Monday, 13 May 2013

Design Context Book ... Progress and completion

Final book

I want to screen-print the front cover onto book-rum. I originally wanted to paint the page edges and I asked at Vernon st.... I just need to paint with a airbrush. But because the coptic bind need buck-rum covers I felt like this would be to much. Below shows what I want it too look like. 
The concept is taking a photograph from every country and pasting in the same place as in the book.
Below is how to change a image to halftone to screen-print:
Image for Screen Printing: 300 DPI ... Image > Mode > Bitmap > Halftone Screen > Frequency 75 > Angle 15 > Round

Insert example
The idea of the book was to explain (like in my dissertation) how design changes with geographic location. So I would have inserts every other 2nd page with the country, population and brief culture information paragraph. After thinking everything through I think this would make my book look cheap.... so I will  make poster cards and posters for each country. This makes a range.

The cover didn't turn out as clear as I hoped, but this adds to the distortion and confusion. I would have liked the screen print again with a better exposed screen that didn't let so much ink through, but I don't have the time. I will include a poster of a printed front cover with info about the front cover explaining the concept of content arranged in distance from my leeds address and introducing the idea of globalisation and its impact on design. This idea will also work across postcards.
I am so happy with how the book has printed, the colours look great especially for images dragged from the internet. However there was two main issue when binding (look at the picks) tieing the thread was too baggy at one end. And at one point the pages ripped... I would love to print it again, but I just dont have the time. Maybe after hand in. Apart from that I am very happy. Starting designing this on Friday and it's printed and bound in 5 days.

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