Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Meeting with Kirsty and Chirs

Over Christmas I spoke to Chris about potentially doing the Yearbook together. I knew of other people didn't have a full group but having working with Chirs before, knowing he does the work and to a high standard made me want to speak to him first. Chris had spoke to Kirsty Fruin before the break and they were undecided on whether to go ahead or not. we were a 3 and needed another person to enter for the pitch.

Chris spoke to Fred on Monday 7th and told us we could submit as a 3. 
That night we went away and researched and thought of concepts separately
Chris set up a Facebook group:

The 8th we met at 10am for the whole day. We picked a concept and looked through all the sources we had blogged and brought in for inspiration.

BA Graphic Design is a 3 year journey, so everything about the yearbook is around 3, utilising the rule of 3: 3 colours, 3 column grid, 3 sections, pretty much 3 everything.
We also decided we wanted a interesting font cover with a poster that can be separated into smaller buisness cards with all the graduates contact details. 

We (mainly Chris designed the boards) and Kirsty wrote all the annotation.

My work for the brief:

My Finals:
I designed the 14cmx14cm fold out pull ou attached to the cover of the publication. Unfolded it is 28cmx28cm, printed on the GFSmith 100gsm Frost White stock. 

The Concept:
All of my concepts where about showcasing the colleges resources and our design work. We decided as a team that the graduates are the most important thing about this yearbook. So we need a double page spread each, and we should keep everything else to a minimum.

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